Definitions from Wiktionary (X)
▸ noun: A placeholder for an unknown, suppressed or hypothetical name.
▸ noun: (anthroponymy, politics) A surname, used by those who have had their identity or heritage, including their proper ancestral names, erased or forgotten.
▸ noun: Any mark that looks like that letter, such as a mark made by a person who cannot read or write in lieu of a signature.
▸ noun: (lacrosse) The spot behind the goal.
▸ adjective: Intersex or non-binary (in passports and identification documents).
▸ noun: (slang) Ecstasy, a particular street drug.
▸ adjective: (British film certificate, dated) Suitable only for those aged 16 or (later) 18 years and over.
▸ adjective: (movie rating) Obscene.
▸ noun: (informal) Christ
▸ noun: (Canada, US) Cross, crossing.
▸ adjective: (informal) Abbreviation of extreme. [Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost.]
▸ adjective: Alternative letter-case form of X (“intersex or non-binary, in passports and identification documents”) [Intersex or non-binary (in passports and identification documents).]
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▸ noun: A placeholder for an unknown, suppressed or hypothetical name.
▸ noun: (anthroponymy, politics) A surname, used by those who have had their identity or heritage, including their proper ancestral names, erased or forgotten.
▸ noun: Any mark that looks like that letter, such as a mark made by a person who cannot read or write in lieu of a signature.
▸ noun: (lacrosse) The spot behind the goal.
▸ adjective: Intersex or non-binary (in passports and identification documents).
▸ noun: (slang) Ecstasy, a particular street drug.
▸ adjective: (British film certificate, dated) Suitable only for those aged 16 or (later) 18 years and over.
▸ adjective: (movie rating) Obscene.
▸ noun: (informal) Christ
▸ noun: (Canada, US) Cross, crossing.
▸ adjective: (informal) Abbreviation of extreme. [Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost.]
▸ adjective: Alternative letter-case form of X (“intersex or non-binary, in passports and identification documents”) [Intersex or non-binary (in passports and identification documents).]
X factor,
gender bender,
queer bashing,
that way,
like that,
fair sex,
straight man,
come out of the closet,
glass ceiling,
top shelf,
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