In dictionaries:
Plastic wrap
Thin, flexible, clear film cover.
wrap up
Conclude or finish a task.
wrap around
Encircle completely; return to start.
Saran Wrap
Plastic film for sealing food.
word wrap
Automatically moving text to next line.
gift wrap
Decorative paper for covering presents.
text wrap
bubble wrap
Plastic packaging for cushioning items.
wrap round
Encircle completely; return to start.
Shrink wrap
Plastic film for sealing products.
wrap party
A celebration held after completing the filming of a movie or television show.
wire wrap
A method for constructing circuit boards with turns of wire, without having to make a printed circuit board, now mainly used to assemble prototypes that can then be modified by hand.
body wrap
Spa treatment for skin tightening.
cling wrap
Alternative form of clingwrap [Clingfilm.]
wrap fee
All-inclusive investment management fee.
wrap dress
A figure-hugging dress with a front closure formed by wrapping one side across the other and knotting the attached ties that wrap around the back at the waist or fastening buttons.
ace wrap
herbal wrap