Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: (with "the" or a singular possessive pronoun) The subjective human experience, regarded individually.
▸ noun: (metonymically, with "the") A majority of people.
▸ noun: The Universe.
▸ noun: (with "the") The Earth, especially in a geopolitical or cultural context, or as the physical planet.
▸ noun: (with "a") Any of several possible scenarios concerning The Earth, either as the physical planet, or in a geopolitical, cultural or societal context.
▸ noun: (countable) (Several) alternative scenarios concerning The Earth, either as the physical planet, or in a geopolitical, cultural or societal context.
▸ noun: (countable) A planet, especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable.
▸ noun: (by extension) Any other astronomical body which may be inhabitable, such as a natural satellite.
▸ noun: A very large extent of country.
▸ noun: In various mythologies, cosmologies, etc., one of a number of separate realms or regions having different characteristics and occupied by different types of inhabitants.
▸ noun: A fictional realm, such as a planet, containing one or multiple societies of beings, especially intelligent ones.
▸ noun: An individual or group perspective or social setting.
▸ noun: (computing) The part of an operating system distributed with the kernel, consisting of the shell and other programs.
▸ noun: (video games) A subdivision of a game, consisting of a series of stages or levels that usually share a similar environment or theme.
▸ noun: (tarot) The twenty-second trump or major arcana card of the tarot.
▸ noun: (informal) A great amount, a lot.
▸ noun: (archaic) Age, era.
▸ verb: To consider or cause to be considered from a global perspective; to consider as a global whole, rather than making or focussing on national or other distinctions; compare globalise.
▸ verb: To make real; to make worldly.
▸ noun: The specific world, or any of several specific constituent worlds, that humans live in, among any other (real or possible) worlds:
▸ noun: Earth: the Earth (our earth).
▸ noun: The Universe: our universe.
▸ noun: Existence.
▸ noun: Any of the (conceptually figurative) worlds that constitute (or have formerly been asserted to constitute) the world, as for example:
▸ noun: The Third World (the third world).
▸ noun: The First World (the first world).
▸ noun: The Second World (the second world).
▸ noun: The Fourth World (the fourth world).
▸ noun: The Industrialized World (the industrialized world).
▸ noun: The Developed World (the developed world).
▸ noun: The Developing World (the developing world).
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