Definitions from Wiktionary (wild ginger)
▸ noun: Any of the many plants similar to culinary ginger (Zingiber officinale) in appearance or aroma.
▸ noun: in family Zingiberaceae, especially:
▸ noun: Any of the Alpinia species (shell gingers), especially Alpinia caerulea.
▸ noun: Curcuma australasica (native turmeric)
▸ noun: Hedychium gardnerianum (kahili ginger, ginger lily)
▸ noun: Siphonochilus aethiopicus (African ginger)
▸ noun: Any of the numerous Zingiber species
▸ noun: Renealmia aromatica (rat plantain)
▸ noun: Any of several species of Asarum, especially Asarum caudatum (British Columbia wildginger), Asarum canadense, and Asarum sieboldi.
▸ Words similar to wild ginger
▸ Usage examples for wild ginger
▸ Idioms related to wild ginger
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near wild ginger
▸ Rhymes of wild ginger
▸ Invented words related to wild ginger
▸ noun: Any of the many plants similar to culinary ginger (Zingiber officinale) in appearance or aroma.
▸ noun: in family Zingiberaceae, especially:
▸ noun: Any of the Alpinia species (shell gingers), especially Alpinia caerulea.
▸ noun: Curcuma australasica (native turmeric)
▸ noun: Hedychium gardnerianum (kahili ginger, ginger lily)
▸ noun: Siphonochilus aethiopicus (African ginger)
▸ noun: Any of the numerous Zingiber species
▸ noun: Renealmia aromatica (rat plantain)
▸ noun: Any of several species of Asarum, especially Asarum caudatum (British Columbia wildginger), Asarum canadense, and Asarum sieboldi.
shell ginger,
race ginger,
torch ginger,
licorice root,
red ginger,
white ginger,
Asarum canadense,
Asarum europaeum,
Asarum maximum,
Asarum sieboldii,
Asarum splendens,
Asarum takaoi,
Asarum virginicum,
▸ Words similar to wild ginger
▸ Usage examples for wild ginger
▸ Idioms related to wild ginger
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near wild ginger
▸ Rhymes of wild ginger
▸ Invented words related to wild ginger