In dictionaries:
the wet
Rainy season in tropical regions.
wet season
Period of increased rainfall annually.
wet weather
get wet
Become covered or soaked in liquid.
soaking wet
Completely drenched with liquid saturation.
wet sand
To sand using extremely fine-grained sandpaper, using a lubricant such as water or oil to prevent the sandpaper from clogging.
wet nurse
Caregiver who breastfeeds another's baby.
all wet
Completely wrong or mistaken idea.
wet bulb
Temperature measured using moist thermometer.
dripping wet
Extremely wet; soaking wet.
wet snow
Snow with high water content.
wet nurses
Caregivers who breastfeed another's infant.
wet suit
Clothing for water, provides insulation.
wet deposition
Pollutants fall with precipitation.
wet bar
Alcohol serving counter with sink.
wet chemical
Relating to wet chemistry
wet feet
wet blanket
Person who dampens others' enthusiasm.
wet dream
Sexual climax during sleep unconsciously.