Definitions from Wiktionary (water level)
▸ noun: The level of a body of water, especially when measured above a datum line.
▸ noun: The level of the water table below ground.
▸ noun: The waterline of a ship.
▸ noun: An instrument to show the level by means of the surface of water in a trough, or in upright tubes connected by a pipe.
▸ noun: (attributive) Of a route that follows a riverbank or shoreline.
▸ Words similar to water level
▸ Usage examples for water level
▸ Idioms related to water level
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near water level
▸ Rhymes of water level
▸ Invented words related to water level
▸ noun: The level of a body of water, especially when measured above a datum line.
▸ noun: The level of the water table below ground.
▸ noun: The waterline of a ship.
▸ noun: An instrument to show the level by means of the surface of water in a trough, or in upright tubes connected by a pipe.
▸ noun: (attributive) Of a route that follows a riverbank or shoreline.
groundwater level,
water table,
water line,
sea level,
chart datum,
ground level,
line of levels,
high tide,
low tide,
tidal range,
storm surge,
king tide,
spring tide,
neap tide,
tidal bore,
▸ Words similar to water level
▸ Usage examples for water level
▸ Idioms related to water level
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near water level
▸ Rhymes of water level
▸ Invented words related to water level