In dictionaries:
trap door
Hidden door within a floor.
ion trap
Device for capturing charged particles.
booby trap
Device designed to surprise, harm.
death trap
Dangerously unsafe, risk of death.
liquidity trap
Interest rates low, spending stalled.
poverty trap
Cycle where poverty perpetuates itself.
trap set
(music, dated) A drum kit.
light trap
Device capturing light, enhancing absorption.
cold trap
Device capturing substances at low temperatures.
fish trap
Device for capturing aquatic creatures.
sediment trap
Sediment traps are instruments used in oceanography and limnology to measure the quantity of sinking particulate organic (and inorganic) material in aquatic systems, usually oceans, lakes, or reservoirs.
steel trap
Mind that quickly captures information.
trap doors
Hidden hatches that conceal access.
debt trap
(abstract) A situation in which a borrower's debt obligations exceed their repayment capabilities, compelling to them to incur new debt to repay existing ones.
sand trap
Hazard on golf course, bunkered.
tourist trap
Exploitative attraction overcharging unsuspecting tourists.
bear trap
Temporary reversal in declining market.
wolf trap
Device designed to capture wolves.