In dictionaries:
Fourier transform
Converts time domain to frequency.
Laplace transform
Integral transform for differential equations.
Wavelet transform
In mathematics, a wavelet series is a representation of a square-integrable (real- or complex-valued) function by a certain orthonormal series generated by a wavelet.
transform faults
Boundaries where tectonic plates slide horizontally.
transform fault
Boundary where tectonic plates slide.
Hough transform
Detects shapes using voting procedure.
Hilbert transform
In mathematics and signal processing, the Hilbert transform is a specific singular integral that takes a function, of a real variable and produces another function of a real variable .
Radon transform
Integral transform using line sums.
integral transform
Integral transform: Operator mapping functions systematically.
Hadamard transform
(signal processing) A generalized Fourier transform that performs an orthogonal, symmetric, involutive, linear operation on 2ᵐ real numbers (or complex numbers, although the Hadamard matrices themselves are purely real).
Hankel transform
In mathematics, the Hankel transform expresses any given function f(r) as the weighted sum of an infinite number of Bessel functions of the first kind .