In dictionaries:
flat trajectory
ballistic trajectory
Path of projectile under gravity.
Parabolic trajectory
In astrodynamics or celestial mechanics a parabolic trajectory is a Kepler orbit with the eccentricity equal to 1 and is an unbound orbit that is exactly on the border between elliptical and hyperbolic.
Hyperbolic trajectory
In astrodynamics or celestial mechanics, a hyperbolic trajectory or hyperbolic orbit is the trajectory of any object around a central body with more than enough speed to escape the central object's gravitational pull.
Orthogonal trajectory
Curves intersecting at right angles.
aerodynamic trajectory
regge trajectory
Trajectory optimization
the process of designing a trajectory that minimizes (or maximizes) some measure of performance while satisfying a set of constraints.
Free-return trajectory
In orbital mechanics, a free-return trajectory is a trajectory of a spacecraft traveling away from a primary body (for example, the Earth) where gravity due to a secondary body (for example, the Moon) causes the spacecraft to return to the primary body without propulsion (hence the term free).Model of Circumlunar Free Return Trajectory