In dictionaries:
horned toad
Reptile resembling toad with spikes.
cane toad
Invasive, toxic amphibian; pest species.
American toad
Common North American amphibian species.
Common toad
Widespread amphibian with warty skin.
spadefoot toad
Burrowing amphibian with spade-like feet.
midwife toad
Amphibian species, falsely accused fraud.
tree toad
Amphibian that often climbs trees.
giant toad
Large amphibian with bumpy skin.
toad skin
Surinam toad
Flat-bodied, aquatic, leaf-like amphibian.
marine toad
Large, toxic toad from South America.
Natterjack toad
Rare toad known for running.
Western toad
Amphibian native to western North America.
black toad
Anaxyrus exsul, a black-skinned toad with white and tan speckles, found only in parts of Inyo County, California, United States.
toad lily
Ornamental perennial with unique flowers.
toad frog
Amphibian, often confused with frogs.