In dictionaries:
to make
have to
Necessity imposed by circumstances or rules.
according to
In agreement with; as stated.
used to
Accustomed to in the past.
want to
Desire or wish to do.
up to
Not exceeding a specified limit.
not to
the third studio album by Colin Newman, lead singer of post-punk band Wire.
due to
Caused by, because of something.
going to
Intending or planning future action.
to give
Transfer possession or ownership voluntarily.
how to
Instructions for completing a task.
way to
Misspelling of way too. [All too, much too; to a degree that is very excessive.]
come to
Regain consciousness after being unconscious.
came to
Regained consciousness or awareness; understood.
related to
Connected by characteristics or association.
to that
Referring or directing attention to.
right to
to come
To approach or move toward.
out to
Intending to achieve a specific goal.
to it
Directing attention or action towards.
went to
on to
Aware of; onto the truth.
like to
(Southern US) nearly; almost
subject to
Dependent on or conditional upon.