In dictionaries:
great tit
Common, large, European songbird species.
blue tit
Small, colorful bird; insectivorous species.
tom tit
Small bird, often colorful plumage.
coal tit
Small bird, black and white.
willow tit
Small bird with distinctive call.
marsh tit
Small bird with black cap.
crested tit
Small bird with distinctive crest.
bearded tit
Small bird with distinctive plumage.
hind tit
Least favorable or desirable position.
tit bits
penduline tit
Any of the family of small passerine birds Remizidae, which nearly all make nests which hang from trees; found in Eurasia, Africa, and North America.
sugar tit
Sweet pacifier made from cloth.
tit for tat
Reciprocal action, mirroring another's behavior.
grey tit
Melaniparus afer, a small bird of the tit family Paridae
wren tit
Small bird, resembles tit species.
azure tit
Cyanistes cyanus, a small bird of the tit family Paridae
tit tat toe
Game of aligning three symbols.
bush tit
Small, sociable bird; flits energetically.
cole tit
Small bird, part of titmouse family.