Definitions from Wiktionary (tigerfish)
▸ noun: Any of a number of species of fish with stripes on their bodies, otherwise fearsome appearance, or aggressive predatory behavior, including, among others:
▸ noun: (Africa) Any fish in the genus Hydrocynus of characins.
▸ noun: (East Africa) A cichlid of species Rhamphochromis longiceps, native to the Lake Malawi basin.
▸ noun: (Asia) The jarbua terapon and related species in the family Terapontidae.
▸ noun: Any fish in the percoid genus Datnioides.
▸ noun: Any barracuda.
▸ noun: (Guyana) Any of the family Pimelodidae of catfishes.
▸ noun: Any of the species Hoplias malabaricus and related characins in the family Erythrinidae.
▸ noun: Any of the genus Pterois of east Asian lionfishes.
▸ noun: A sea cucumber of the Indian Ocean (Bohadschia atra).
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▸ noun: Any of a number of species of fish with stripes on their bodies, otherwise fearsome appearance, or aggressive predatory behavior, including, among others:
▸ noun: (Africa) Any fish in the genus Hydrocynus of characins.
▸ noun: (East Africa) A cichlid of species Rhamphochromis longiceps, native to the Lake Malawi basin.
▸ noun: (Asia) The jarbua terapon and related species in the family Terapontidae.
▸ noun: Any fish in the percoid genus Datnioides.
▸ noun: Any barracuda.
▸ noun: (Guyana) Any of the family Pimelodidae of catfishes.
▸ noun: Any of the species Hoplias malabaricus and related characins in the family Erythrinidae.
▸ noun: Any of the genus Pterois of east Asian lionfishes.
▸ noun: A sea cucumber of the Indian Ocean (Bohadschia atra).
tiger shark,
elongate tigerfish,
tiger barb,
striped catfish,
▸ Words similar to tigerfish
▸ Usage examples for tigerfish
▸ Idioms related to tigerfish
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing tigerfish
▸ Words that often appear near tigerfish
▸ Rhymes of tigerfish
▸ Invented words related to tigerfish