In dictionaries:
threshold value
Minimum level triggering a response.
threshold level
Minimum level for response initiation.
Threshold voltage
Minimum voltage to activate transistor.
pain threshold
Minimum intensity causing perceptible pain.
Threshold energy
In particle physics, the threshold energy for production of a particle is the minimum kinetic energy that must be imparted to one of a pair of particles in order for their collision to produce a given result.
absolute threshold
Minimum stimulus intensity detectable consistently.
seizure threshold
Minimum stimulus to provoke seizure.
threshold shift
anaerobic threshold
Maximum effort before lactate accumulates.
Percolation threshold
The percolation threshold is a mathematical concept in percolation theory that describes the formation of long-range connectivity in random systems.
renal threshold
In physiology, the renal threshold is the concentration of a substance dissolved in the blood above which the kidneys begin to remove it into the urine.