In dictionaries:
thin film
Very thin layer of material.
thin films
thin air
From nowhere; completely unanticipated origin.
thin sections
Very thin slices for microscopy.
thin section
Thin slice of material, analyzed.
thin ice
a 1937 American romantic comedy film directed by Sidney Lanfield and starring Tyrone Power and figure skater Sonja Henie.
thin filaments
Protein strands in muscle contraction.
thin out
Reduce density by removing elements.
thin skin
The condition of being thin-skinned; excessive sensitivity to criticism etc.
thin wall
wearing thin
Patience or material becoming depleted.
worn thin
Depleted or overused beyond effectiveness.
Thin lens
In optics, a thin lens is a lens with a thickness (distance along the optical axis between the two surfaces of the lens) that is negligible compared to the radii of curvature of the lens surfaces.
thin filament
Protein structure in muscle contraction.
wear thin
Patience or material becomes depleted.
thin client
Minimal local processing, relies on server.
wore thin
Lost effectiveness through overuse, repetition.
thin disk
The thin disk is a structural component of spiral and S0-type galaxies, composed of stars, gas and dust.