In dictionaries:
Christian theology
Study of God in Christianity.
liberation theology
Christian theology emphasizing social justice.
Natural theology
Study of God through nature.
Systematic theology
Structured study of Christian doctrine.
moral theology
Study of ethics through religion.
Biblical theology
Because scholars have tended to use the term in different ways, Biblical theology has been notoriously difficult to define.
Black theology
Black theology, or black liberation theology, refers to a theological perspective which originated among African-American seminarians and scholars, and in some black churches in the United States and later in other parts of the world.
Mystical theology
Union with God through contemplation.
Dogmatic theology
Study of doctrinal religious beliefs.
Practical theology
an academic discipline that examines and reflects on religious practices in order to understand the theology enacted in those practices and in order to consider how theological theory and theological practices can be more fully aligned, changed, or improved.
negative theology
Apophatic theology, attempting to define God by negative rather than positive assertions.