In dictionaries:
Cinnamon teal
A small dabbling duck of species Spatula cyanoptera, with red to brown plumage, found in western North and South America.
teal blue
Deep blue-green color shade.
grey teal
A species of dabbling duck, Anas gracilis, found in open wetlands in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Indonesia.
common teal
Synonym of Eurasian teal
brown teal
A member of the dabbling duck subfamily endemic to New Zealand; Anas chlorotis.
whistling teal
Small duck, distinctive whistling call.
chestnut teal
Anas castanea, a dabbling duck found in southern Australia.
Baikal teal
Anas formosa, a dabbling duck that breeds within the forest zone of eastern Siberia
cotton teal
teal duck
Small freshwater duck, colorful plumage.
Cape teal
Anas capensis, a dabbling duck of open wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa
brazilian teal
The duck Amazonetta brasiliensis.
silver teal
The silver teal or versicolor teal (Spatula versicolor) is a species of dabbling duck in the genus Spatula.
Green-winged teal
The green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis) or American teal is a common and widespread duck that breeds in the northern areas of North America except on the Aleutian Islands.
green winged teal
Small duck, green wing patches.