Usually means: Higher in rank, quality, status.
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We found 41 dictionaries that define the word superior:

General (26 matching dictionaries)
  1. Superior, superior:
  2. Superior, superior: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. superior: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. superior: Collins English Dictionary
  5. Superior, superior:
  6. Superior, superior: Wordnik
  7. superior: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. Superior, superior: Wiktionary
  9. superior: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. Superior, superior: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. superior: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. superior:
  13. superior (adj.): Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. superior: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. Superior (Marvel Comics), Superior (album), Superior (band), Superior (bus manufacturer), Superior (comics), Superior (hierarchy), Superior (manga), Superior (proposed U.S. state), Superior (proposed state), Superior: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. Superior: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. superior, superior: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  18. superior: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  19. superior: Free Dictionary
  20. superior: Mnemonic Dictionary
  21. Superior: Dictionary/thesaurus
  22. superior: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations
  23. Superior: Rhymezone
  24. superior: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition

Business (4 matching dictionaries)
  2. Glossary of Legal Terms (No longer online)
  3. Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition (No longer online)
  4. superior: Legal dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. superior: Encyclopedia

Medicine (8 matching dictionaries)
  1. Superior: Glossary of Lasik Laser Eye Surgery
  2. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  3. Neurotrauma Glossary (No longer online)
  4. Glossary of Skeletal Anatomy (No longer online)
  5. superior: Medical dictionary
  6. Superior: Drug Medical Dictionary
  7. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
  8. Superior: Medical Dictionary

Science (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Bryological (No longer online)
  2. Flora of New South Wales (No longer online)

(Note: See superiorly as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
adjective:  Higher in rank, status, or quality.
adjective:  Of high standard or quality.
adjective:  Greater in size or power.
adjective:  (superior to) Beyond the power or influence of; too great or firm to be subdued or affected by.
adjective:  Greater or better than average.
adjective:  Courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening).
adjective:  (typography) Printed in superscript.
adjective:  Located above or out; higher in position.
adjective:  (anatomy, medicine) Located above or higher, a direction that in humans corresponds to cephalad.
adjective:  (botany) (of a calyx) Above the ovary; said of parts of the flower which, although normally below the ovary, adhere to it, and so appear to originate from its upper part.
adjective:  (botany) (of an ovary) Above and free from the other floral organs.
adjective:  (botany) Belonging to the part of an axillary flower which is toward the main stem.
adjective:  (botany) (of the radicle) Pointing toward the apex of the fruit.
adjective:  (taxonomy) More comprehensive.
adjective:  Affecting or assuming an air of superiority.
adjective:  (astronomy, of a planet in the Solar System) Having a wider orbit around the Sun; typically with respect to the Earth.
noun:  A person of higher rank or quality, especially a colleague in a higher position.
noun:  The senior person in a monastic community.
noun:  The head of certain religious institutions and colleges.
noun:  (printing) A superior letter, figure, or symbol.
noun:  (Scots law, historical) One who has made an original grant of heritable property to a tenant or vassal, on condition of a certain annual payment (feu duty) or of the performance of certain services.
noun:  A number of places in the United States:
noun:  A town in Pinal County, Arizona.
noun:  A statutory town in Boulder County, Colorado.
noun:  An unincorporated community in Raccoon Township, Parke County, Indiana.
noun:  A minor city in Dickinson County, Iowa.
noun:  A township in Chippewa County, Michigan.
noun:  A township and unincorporated community therein, in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
noun:  A town, the county seat of Mineral County, Montana.
noun:  A small city in Nuckolls County, Nebraska.
noun:  An unincorporated community in McDowell County, West Virginia.
noun:  A city, village, and civil town in Wisconsin. The city is the county seat of Douglas County.
noun:  A town in Sweetwater County, Wyoming.
noun:  Synonym of Superia
noun:  Ellipsis of Lake Superior. [A lake in North America; the largest of the Great Lakes and second largest lake and largest freshwater lake in the world by area.]
noun:  Ellipsis of Superior Craton.






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