Definitions from Wiktionary (stick by)
▸ verb: (idiomatic) to follow or adhere to somebody or something, to remain loyal and unswerving in one's attitude towards somebody or something
▸ Words similar to stick by
▸ Usage examples for stick by
▸ Idioms related to stick by
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near stick by
▸ Rhymes of stick by
▸ Invented words related to stick by
▸ verb: (idiomatic) to follow or adhere to somebody or something, to remain loyal and unswerving in one's attitude towards somebody or something
stick to,
stand by,
stick with,
stick by one's guns,
stick to one's guns,
stick to one's last,
stick at,
stick down,
keep one's stick on the ice,
▸ Words similar to stick by
▸ Usage examples for stick by
▸ Idioms related to stick by
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near stick by
▸ Rhymes of stick by
▸ Invented words related to stick by