In dictionaries:
the start
start in
Begin participation or involvement in.
head start
Advantageous beginning before others start.
start on
Begin work or activity on.
start out
Begin or initiate from scratch.
start up
New business beginning its journey.
must start
start off
Begin or initiate an activity.
start over
Begin anew, discard previous progress.
start again
Begin anew from initial point.
Start menu
(computing) A menu in some operating systems that is launched by pressing an on-screen button and provides a central launching point for applications and tasks.
fresh start
Beginning anew with clear intentions.
Beginning anew with fresh opportunities.
Start button
(computing, graphical user interface) A labeled button in some versions of the Windows operating system that opens the Start menu.
start date
start time
Moment when an activity begins.
Start Point
Initial position where process begins.
slow start
an idiom referring to a lack of success at first.