Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: A blemish on one's character or reputation.
▸ noun: A substance used to soak into a surface and colour it.
▸ noun: A reagent or dye used to stain microscope specimens so as to make some structures visible.
▸ noun: (heraldry) One of a number of non-standard tinctures used chiefly in post-medieval heraldry, especially tenné, murrey, or sanguine.
▸ verb: (transitive) To discolor, as by spilling or other contact with a fluid or substance.
▸ verb: To taint or tarnish someone's character or reputation
▸ verb: To coat a surface with a stain
▸ verb: (intransitive) To become stained; to take a stain.
▸ verb: (transitive, cytology, histology) To treat (a microscopic specimen) with a dye, especially one that dyes specific features
▸ verb: To cause to seem inferior or soiled by comparison.
oil-based stain,
water-based stain,
dye stain,
pigment stain,
varnish stain,
bleach stain,
rust stain,
ink stain,
wine stain,
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