Definitions from WordNet (smallest)
▸ adjective: having or being distinguished by diminutive size
▸ adjective: minimal in magnitude ("The smallest amount")
smallest number,
smallest room,
smallest rooms,
Smallest cardiac veins,
smallest scalene muscle,
▸ Words similar to smallest
▸ Usage examples for smallest
▸ Idioms related to smallest
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by smallest
▸ Words that often appear near smallest
▸ Rhymes of smallest
▸ Invented words related to smallest
▸ adjective: having or being distinguished by diminutive size
▸ adjective: minimal in magnitude ("The smallest amount")
smallest mammal,
smallest continent,
smallest bone,
smallest planet,
smallest star,
smallest galaxy,
▸ Words similar to smallest
▸ Usage examples for smallest
▸ Idioms related to smallest
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by smallest
▸ Words that often appear near smallest
▸ Rhymes of smallest
▸ Invented words related to smallest