In dictionaries:
sham feeding
any procedure that mimics normal food consumption but where food and drink are not actually digested or absorbed.
sham rage
Intense, unprovoked aggression without cause.
sham transaction
Transaction intended to deceive others.
sham marriage
A marriage of convenience conducted by two persons who do not intend to live as a couple, generally for the purpose of gaining some advantage arising from married status. Such marriages are illegal in most countries and both partners must therefore try to deceive the public about the nature of their marriage.
pillow sham
Decorative cover for bed pillows.
sham castle
a folly on Claverton Down overlooking the city of Bath, Somerset, England.
Shim Sham
(dance) A tap dance routine that originated in the United States in the 1920s.
tarabulus ash sham
City in northwest Lebanon, historical.
to sham abraham
Pretend or feign, often deceitfully.
to sham abram
Pretend to be ill, deceitful.
tarabulus esh sham
sham Abraham
Deceiving others through false pretenses.
Sham 69
an English punk rock band that formed in Hersham in Surrey in 1975.
Sam the Sham
Domingo Samudio (b. February 28, 1937 in Dallas, Texas, United States), better known by his stage name Sam the Sham, is a retired American rock and roll singer.