Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ adjective: Counterfeit; unreal.
▸ noun: A fake; an imitation that purports to be genuine.
▸ noun: Trickery, hoaxing.
▸ noun: A false front, or removable ornamental covering.
▸ noun: A decorative cover for a pillow.
▸ verb: To deceive, cheat, lie.
▸ verb: To obtrude by fraud or imposition.
▸ verb: To assume the manner and character of; to imitate; to ape; to feign.
▸ noun: A surname.
▸ noun: (slang) Clipping of champagne. [(countable, uncountable) A sparkling white wine made from a blend of grapes, especially Chardonnay and pinot, produced in Champagne, France, by the méthode champenoise.]
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