In dictionaries:
sergeant major
Senior non-commissioned officer rank.
first sergeant
Senior non-commissioned officer, leadership role.
staff sergeant
Military rank above sergeant, leadership.
master sergeant
Senior non-commissioned officer, military rank.
police sergeant
Supervisor in a police department.
drill sergeant
Strict military trainer enforcing discipline.
detective sergeant
Police investigator ranking above officer.
Platoon sergeant
Leader of a military unit.
desk sergeant
Police station's supervisory front-line officer.
gunnery sergeant
Senior non-commissioned officer, Marine Corps.
Flight sergeant
Senior non-commissioned air force rank.
sergeant york
a 1941 American biographical film about the life of Alvin C. York, one of the most decorated American soldiers of World War I. Directed by Howard Hawks and starring Gary Cooper in the title role, the film was a critical and commercial success, and became the highest-grossing film of 1941.