In dictionaries:
Secular clergy
Priests not bound by monastic vows.
Secular humanism
Philosophy prioritizing human values, secularly.
secular trend
Long-term pattern in data.
Secular music
Music not affiliated with religion.
secular arm
(Christianity, law, historical) The lay or temporal authority of a secular court to pronounce punishment (particularly capital punishment) of an offender tried by an ecclesiastical court.
Secular variation
The secular variation of a time series is its long-term, non-periodic variation (see Decomposition of time series).
secular equation
Determines eigenvalues of a matrix.
secular humanist
Advocates human-centered, nonreligious ethics.
secular humanists
Secular equilibrium
(nuclear physics) The situation of the quantity of a radioisotope remaining constant because it is produced (by decay of a parent isotope) at the same rate that it decays.
Secular Games
Ancient Roman religious and entertainment festival.
secular acceleration