Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: A suture.
▸ noun: (geology) A thin stratum, especially of an economically viable material such as coal or mineral.
▸ noun: (cricket) The stitched equatorial seam of a cricket ball; the sideways movement of a ball when it bounces on the seam.
▸ noun: (construction, nautical) A joint formed by mating two separate sections of materials.
▸ noun: A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix.
▸ noun: (figurative) A line of junction; a joint.
▸ verb: To put together with a seam.
▸ verb: To make the appearance of a seam in, as in knitting a stocking; hence, to knit with a certain stitch, like that in such knitting.
▸ verb: To mark with a seam or line; to scar.
▸ verb: To crack open along a seam.
▸ verb: (cricket) Of the ball, to move sideways after bouncing on the seam.
▸ verb: (cricket) Of a bowler, to make the ball move thus.
▸ noun: (historical) An old English measure of grain, containing eight bushels.
▸ noun: (historical) An old English measure of glass, containing twenty-four weys of five pounds, or 120 pounds.
▸ noun: (UK, dialect, obsolete) Grease; tallow; lard.
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