Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: (transitive) To recite.
▸ verb: (transitive) To tell, either verbally or in writing.
▸ verb: (transitive) To indicate in a written form.
▸ verb: (impersonal, transitive) To have a common expression; used in singular passive voice or plural active voice to indicate a rumor or well-known fact.
▸ verb: (informal, imperative, transitive) Suppose, assume; used to mark an example, supposition or hypothesis.
▸ verb: (intransitive) To speak; to express an opinion; to make answer; to reply.
▸ verb: (transitive, informal, of a possession, especially money) To bet as a wager on an outcome; by extension, used to express belief in an outcome by the speaker.
▸ noun: A chance to speak; the right or power to influence or make a decision.
▸ adverb: For example; let us assume.
▸ noun: A type of fine cloth similar to serge.
▸ verb: To try; to assay.
▸ noun: Trial by sample; assay; specimen.
▸ noun: Tried quality; temper; proof.
▸ noun: Essay; trial; attempt.
▸ noun: (Scotland) A strainer for milk.
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