In dictionaries:
tiger salamander
Large, colorful, terrestrial amphibian species.
spotted salamander
Amphibian with distinctive yellow markings.
giant salamander
Large amphibians, some species endangered.
dusky salamander
Small amphibian, prefers moist habitats.
slender salamander
Small, elongated salamander with delicate limbs.
fire salamander
Colorful, toxic amphibian lives terrestrially.
Red salamander
The red salamander (Pseudotriton ruber) is a species of salamander in the family (Plethodontidae) (lungless salamanders) endemic to the eastern United States.
cave salamander
Amphibian, lives in moist caves.
blind salamander
marbled salamander
A species of mole salamander, Ambystoma opacum, having a dark body with marbled white markings,
mole salamander
Amphibian family, burrowing, aquatic habitats.