In dictionaries:
safe harbor
Protection from legal or regulatory penalties.
safe haven
Protection from turmoil or danger.
safe passage
Secure, unobstructed travel to destination.
safe sex
Preventing disease, pregnancy through protection.
safe deposit
Secure storage for valuable items.
safe house
Secure location for protection, hiding.
safe conduct
Protection granted for secure passage.
safe water
Water that is clean, drinkable.
safe keeping
Protection and storage of valuables.
safe bet
Likely to succeed or win.
safe havens
Assets providing security during crises.
safe mode
Restricted operation for troubleshooting issues.
safe houses
Secure locations for protection, hiding.
safe areas
safe harbors
safe space
(sociology) A place or domain serving as a tolerant environment for people (especially a marginalized group) where they do not face harassment, criticism, scrutiny, etc.; especially one in which participants are understood to share a given political or social viewpoint.
play safe
Avoid risks to ensure safety.