In dictionaries:
s 1
s s
Repeated letter, often typo error.
s s
a s
Ambiguous request, please specify context.
i s
s l
h s
High school, abbreviation for education.
s i
s e
s a
s n
Series of connected narrative elements.
s t
j s
"J S" lacks specific context.
p s
Postscript, added after main text.
s curve
Gradual growth followed by decline.
S wave
Secondary wave, travels through Earth.
harry s truman
33rd President, ended World War.
S corporation
Corporation with pass-through taxation benefits.
s mime
Secure email encryption using certificates.
S phase
DNA replication phase in cells.
ulysses s grant
Civil War general, 18th president.
e s
Electronic systems or energy storage.
s j
n s
Not specified; needs more context.
s video
Analog video transmission over cable.
george s kaufman
American playwright, director, humorist.
o s
Operating system for computing devices.
william s burroughs
Innovative writer, Beat Generation icon.
c s
Context needed; multiple interpretations possible.