Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: The noise made by deer during sexual excitement.
▸ noun: Roaring, as of waves breaking upon the shore; rote.
▸ noun: (fandom slang) In omegaverse fiction, the intense biological urge of an alpha to mate, typically triggered by proximity to an omega in heat.
▸ verb: (intransitive) To be in the annual rut or mating season.
▸ verb: (intransitive) To have sexual intercourse.
▸ verb: (transitive, rare) To have sexual intercourse with.
▸ noun: A furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground, as from the passage of many wheels along a road.
▸ noun: (figurative) A fixed routine, procedure, line of conduct, thought or feeling.
▸ noun: (figurative) A dull routine.
▸ verb: (transitive) To make a furrow.
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