Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger transportation.
▸ noun: A road or path; often specifically a highway.
▸ noun: (figuratively) One of multiple methods or approaches to doing something.
▸ noun: (historical) One of the major provinces of imperial China from the Later Jin to the Song, corresponding to the Tang and early Yuan circuits.
▸ noun: (computing) A specific entry in a router that tells the router how to transmit the data it receives.
▸ noun: (horse racing) A race longer than one mile.
▸ noun: (railway) A path that has been secured by a railway signalling system for the passage of a train and locked to prevent any conflicting train movements from taking place.
▸ verb: (transitive) To direct or divert along a particular course.
▸ verb: (Internet) to connect two local area networks, thereby forming an internet.
▸ verb: (computing, transitive) To send (information) through a router.
▸ noun: A surname from French.
▸ verb: Eye dialect spelling of root. [To grow roots; to enter the earth, as roots; to take root and begin to grow.]
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