In dictionaries:
Scottish Rite
Freemasonry branch with degree system.
religious rite
Ceremonial act in religious worship.
Roman Rite
The Latin rite used by the Roman Catholic Church.
initiation rite
Ceremony marking entry into group.
Latin rite
Traditional liturgical practice in Catholicism.
sacred rite
Rite Aid
Rite Aid Corporation is an American drugstore chain based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Byzantine Rite
Eastern Christian liturgical tradition.
eastern rite
Christian liturgical traditions, not Western.
funeral rite
A custom or ceremony pertaining to the recently dead, such as a funeral, public burial, or the Greek custom of breaking clayen vessels on the grave or in front of the deceased's house.
Fertility rite
Fertility rites or fertility cult are religious rituals that are intended to stimulate reproduction in humans or in the natural world.
York Rite
Freemasonry branch with three degrees.
greek rite
sarum rite
Mozarabic Rite
The Mozarabic Rite, officially called the Hispanic Rite, and in the past also called the Visigothic Rite, is a liturgical rite of the Latin Church once used generally in the Iberian Peninsula (Hispania), in what is now Spain and Portugal.