Usually means: Frost formed from freezing fog.
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We found 33 dictionaries that define the word rime:

General (23 matching dictionaries)
  1. rime:
  2. rime, rime: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. rime, rime: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. rime: Collins English Dictionary
  5. rime:
  6. Rime, rime: Wordnik
  7. rime: Wiktionary
  8. rime: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  9. rime: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  10. rime: Infoplease Dictionary
  11. rime:
  12. rime: Online Etymology Dictionary
  13. Rime (video game), Rime: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  14. Rime: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  15. rime: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  16. rime: Rhymezone
  17. Rime, rime (f): Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  18. rime: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  19. rime: Free Dictionary
  20. rime: Mnemonic Dictionary
  21. rime: Dictionary/thesaurus

Art (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Linguistic Glossary (No longer online)

Computing (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. BABEL: Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms (No longer online)
  2. Rime (frost), Rime (ice), rime: Encyclopedia

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)
  1. online medical dictionary (No longer online)

Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. RIME: Acronym Finder
  2. rime: Wordcraft Dictionary

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. RIME: Urban Dictionary

Tech (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Glossary of Meteorology (No longer online)
  2. Lake and Water Word Glossary (No longer online)

(Note: See rimed as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  Archaic in the form rimes: originally, any frozen dew forming a white deposit on exposed surfaces; hoar frost (sense 1).
noun:  (figurative)
noun:  A film or slimy coating.
noun:  White hair as an indication of old age.
noun:  (meteorology)
noun:  Ice formed by the rapid freezing of cold water droplets of fog on to a cold surface.
noun:  A coating or sheet of ice so formed.
noun:  (British, regional) A cold fog or mist.
verb:  (transitive)
verb:  To cover (something) with rime (noun sense 1 or sense 3.1) or (loosely) hoar frost.
verb:  (figurative) To cover (something) with a thin coating or film; to coat.
verb:  (intransitive) Sometimes followed by up: of a thing: to become covered with rime or (loosely) hoar frost.
noun:  (linguistics) The second part of a syllable, from the vowel on (as opposed to the onset).
verb:  (transitive, intransitive, Lincolnshire, archaic) Followed by up: to count (something); to number, to reckon.
verb:  Synonym of ream
verb:  To enlarge (a hole), especially using a tool such as a reamer.
verb:  To remove debris from inside (something, such as a freshly bored hole or a pipe) using a tool.
verb:  (transitive, Ireland, rare) To dye (wool or yarn) reddish-brown by boiling or soaking in water with alder twigs.
noun:  (obsolete) A narrow aperture or opening; a chink, a crack, a fissure; a rent, a rip.
verb:  (intransitive, obsolete, rare) Followed by into: to probe, to pry.
noun:  Archaic spelling of rhyme (“word that rhymes with another, in that it is pronounced identically with the other word from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end, etc.) [(countable, uncountable) Rhyming verse (poetic form)]
verb:  Archaic spelling of rhyme. [(transitive, intransitive) To compose or treat in verse; versify.]






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    icy blue,     silver,     crystal clear,     arctic blue,     frosty mint, more...

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