In dictionaries:
the righteous
Those who uphold moral righteousness.
Righteous indignation
Righteous indignation, also called righteous anger, is anger that is primarily motivated by a perception of injustice or other profound moral lapse.
self righteous
Convinced of one's own righteousness.
army of the righteous
Advocates committed to moral justice.
Righteous Among the Nations
(State of Israel) Title given to a non-Jew who risked his or her life during the Holocaust to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis.
The Righteous Brothers
an American musical duo originally formed by Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield but now comprising Medley and Bucky Heard.
The Righteous Gemstones
an American crime television series created by Danny McBride that premiered on August 18, 2019, on HBO.
Righteous Kill
a 2008 American crime thriller film directed by Jon Avnet and written by Russell Gewirtz.
The Righteous Mind
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion is a 2012 social psychology book by Jonathan Haidt, in which the author describes human morality as it relates to politics and religion.