Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: To set to zero.
▸ verb: (transitive) To adjust; to set or position differently.
▸ noun: (also figurative) The act of resetting to the initial state.
▸ noun: The act of setting to zero.
▸ noun: A device, such as a button or switch, for resetting something.
▸ noun: (typography) That which is reset; printed matter set up again.
▸ noun: (Scots law) The crime of knowingly and dishonestly receiving stolen goods, or harbouring an outlaw.
▸ verb: (Scots law) To receive and hide (stolen goods, or a criminal, etc.)
▸ noun: A button that resets a device, often a computer.
▸ Words similar to reset
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▸ Idioms related to reset
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▸ Words that often appear near reset
▸ Rhymes of reset
▸ Invented words related to reset