In dictionaries:
reel off
List or recite quickly, effortlessly.
Virginia reel
Traditional folk dance, American origin.
spinning reel
Fishing device for winding line.
reel seat
open reel
Pre-digital, analog tape recording format.
Fishing reel
A fishing reel is a hand-cranked reel used in angling to wind and stow fishing line,[Shorter OED 1993] typically mounted onto a fishing rod, but may also be used on compound bows or crossbows to retrieve tethered arrows when bowfishing.
cotton reel
A spool, or bobbin used to keep cotton thread tidy.
demo reel
Showcase of professional skills, portfolio.
fly reel
hose reel
Device for storing flexible hoses.
takeup reel
reel mower
A lawnmower with a multiblade assembly that rotates about a single horizontal axis, typically non-motorized and designed to be pushed by an operator walking behind the two-wheeled or four-wheeled device.
highlight reel
reel mowers
eightsome reel
Traditional Scottish dance for eight.
scottish reel
Traditional Scottish folk dance form.