In dictionaries:
john reed
American journalist, socialist activist, writer.
Walter Reed
Military medical center in Maryland.
Reed College
a private liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon, United States.
Ishmael Reed
Ishmael Scott Reed (born February 22, 1938) is an American poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter, composer, playwright, editor and publisher known for his satirical works challenging American political culture.
joseph reed
(1823 – 29 April 1890) a Cornish-born architect in Melbourne, Australia in the Victorian era.
Lou Reed
(rhyming slang) Speed (the recreational drug).
broken reed
Unreliable support, weak and ineffective.
reed beds
Carol Reed
Sir (30 December 1906 – 25 April 1976) an English film director and producer, best known for Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, and Oliver!, for which he was awarded the Academy Award for Best Director.
reed instruments
Instruments using vibrating reed sound.
thomas reed
Ralph Reed
an American political consultant, known as the first head of the Christian Coalition.
Reed pen
Ancient form of pen, much older than quill pens, made by carving a suitable nib into the end of a reed, or a stalk of slim bamboo. [An enclosure (enclosed area) used to contain domesticated animals, especially sheep or cattle.]
reed pipe
Musical instrument with vibrating reeds.
reed organ
Keyboard instrument using vibrating reeds.
double reed
Two vibrating reeds produce sound.
Reed Smoot
(January 10, 1862February 9, 1941) an American politician, businessman, and apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).