Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: (law) To black out legally protected sections of text in a document provided to opposing counsel, typically as part of the discovery process.
▸ verb: To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit.
▸ verb: (rare) To draw up or frame a decree, statement, etc.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To bring together in one unit; to combine or bring together into one.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To gather or organize works or ideas into a unified whole; to collect, order, or write in a written document or to put into a particular written form.
▸ verb: (obsolete, rare) To insert or assimilate into a written system or scheme.
▸ verb: (obsolete, rare) To bring an area of study within the comprehension capacity of a person.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To reduce to a particular condition or state, especially one that is undesirable.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To reduce something physical to a certain form, especially by destruction.
▸ Word origin▸ Words similar to redact
▸ Usage examples for redact
▸ Idioms related to redact
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near redact
▸ Rhymes of redact
▸ Invented words related to redact