Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: (manufacturing) A set of procedures used to produce a product, most commonly in the food and chemical industries.
▸ noun: A path of succession of states through which a system passes.
▸ noun: (anatomy) Successive physiological responses to keep or restore health.
▸ noun: (law) Documents issued by a court in the course of a lawsuit or action at law, such as a summons, mandate, or writ.
▸ noun: (biology) An outgrowth of tissue or cell.
▸ noun: (anatomy) A structure that arises above a surface.
▸ noun: (computing) An executable task or program.
▸ noun: The centre mark that players aim at in the game of squails.
▸ verb: (transitive) To perform a particular process on a thing.
▸ verb: (transitive) To retrieve, store, classify, manipulate, transmit etc. (data, signals, etc.), especially using computer techniques.
▸ verb: (transitive, figurative) To think about a piece of information, or a concept, in order to assimilate it, and perhaps accept it in a modified state.
▸ verb: (transitive, photography, film) To develop photographic film.
▸ verb: (transitive, law) To take legal proceedings against.
▸ verb: To walk in a procession
▸ Word origin
▸ Words similar to process
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▸ Idioms related to process
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▸ Rhymes of process
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