In dictionaries:
pioneer days
pioneer press
The Pioneer Press publishes 32 local newspapers in the Chicago area.
pioneer species
A hardy species that is among the first to colonize a previously disrupted or damaged ecosystem.
pioneer family
young pioneer
(communism) A child who is a junior member of a Communist party, or similar movement.
pioneer village
pioneer works
a nonprofit cultural arts center in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City that was founded by artist Dustin Yellin in 2012.
pioneer plant
pioneer axon
(neurology) An axon that lays down the initial growing path for the other axons of the same neuron to follow.
Pioneer Day
Celebration of Utah's Mormon settlers.
Pioneer 10
(originally designated Pioneer F) a NASA space probe launched in 1972 that completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter.
Pioneer 11
(also known as Pioneer G) a NASA robotic space probe launched on April 5, 1973, to study the asteroid belt, the environment around Jupiter and Saturn, the solar wind, and cosmic rays.