Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: That which is exhibited to the eye; the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one among different and varying appearances of the same object.
▸ noun: Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view.
▸ noun: (astronomy) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form, or the absence, of its enlightened disk. Illustrated in Wikipedia's article Lunar phase.
▸ noun: (physics) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration; one portion of a series of such changes, in distinction from a contrasted portion, as the portion on one side of a position of equilibrium, in contrast with that on the opposite side.
▸ noun: (chemistry) A component in a material system that is distinguished by chemical composition and/or physical state (solid, liquid or gas) and/or crystal structure. It is delineated from an adjoining phase by an abrupt change in one or more of those conditions.
▸ noun: (zoology) In certain organisms, one of two or more colour variations characteristic of the species, but independent of the ordinary seasonal and sexual differences, and often also of age.
▸ noun: (rugby union) The period of play between consecutive breakdowns.
▸ noun: (genetics) A haplotype.
▸ noun: (mathematics) The counterclockwise angle from the positive half of the real number line to the vector pointing to a complex number on an Argand diagram of the complex plane, which has the positive real line pointing right and the positive imaginary number line pointing up.
▸ noun: (music) A distortion caused by a difference in the speed of propagation for different frequencies
▸ noun: (electrical engineering) In a polyphase electrical power system, one of the power-carrying conductors, or the alternating current carried by it.
▸ verb: (with in or out) To begin—if construed with "in"—or to discontinue—if construed with out—(doing) something over a period of time (i.e. in phases).
▸ verb: (genetics, informal, transitive) To determine haplotypes in (data) when genotypes are known.
▸ verb: To pass into or through a solid object.
▸ verb: (science fiction) To use a phaser.
▸ verb: Antique form of faze.
▸ noun: (obsolete) Passover
phase angle,
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