In dictionaries:
emperor penguin
Large Antarctic bird, deepest diver.
king penguin
Large penguin species, second biggest.
Adelie penguin
Antarctic bird, black and white.
little penguin
Small penguin species, native Australia.
gentoo penguin
Antarctic bird, fastest underwater swimmer.
jackass penguin
South African penguin with braying call.
rockhopper penguin
Small penguin with distinctive crest.
Galapagos penguin
Alternative spelling of Galápagos penguin [A species of penguin, Spheniscus mendiculus, which lives on the Galápagos Islands.]
chinstrap penguin
A species of penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus, with a distinctive black strip under the head.
crested penguin
Species of penguin with crests.
Magellanic penguin
A species of penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus, found in coastal South America.
Humboldt penguin
Spheniscus humboldti, a species of penguin which live in coastal Peru and Chile.