Definitions from Wiktionary (pearl ash)
▸ noun: Alternative form of pearlash [(organic chemistry) A white amorphous or granular substance which consists principally of potassium carbonate and has a strong alkaline reaction. It is obtained by lixiviating wood ashes and evaporating the lye, and has been an important source of potassium compounds. It is used in making soap, glass, etc.]
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▸ noun: Alternative form of pearlash [(organic chemistry) A white amorphous or granular substance which consists principally of potassium carbonate and has a strong alkaline reaction. It is obtained by lixiviating wood ashes and evaporating the lye, and has been an important source of potassium compounds. It is used in making soap, glass, etc.]
white ash,
black ash,
pearl oyster,
Blue Ash,
bone ash,
seed pearl,
mountain ash,
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