In dictionaries:
co op
Cooperative organization owned by members.
op art
Optical illusions in visual art.
op cit
Referencing previously cited source again.
op ed
Opinion editorial; personal viewpoint expressed.
post op
Period after a surgical operation.
photo op
Staged event for photographic capture.
pre op
Preparation period before surgical operation.
op amp
Amplifier for boosting electrical signals.
coin op
Operated by inserting coins directly.
no op
Operation that performs no action.
op shop
Store selling used goods cheaply.
op eds
Opinionated articles by guest writers.
op code
Instruction code for computer operation.
channel op
Operator managing a communication channel.
op ed page
Editorial opinions and commentary section.
Bergen op Zoom
A city in North Brabant, Netherlands.
chan op
Channel operator, manages IRC chat.
op amps
Amplifiers for signal processing applications.
london film makers co op
op 1
op shops
p&t op