Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: To destroy (someone or something) completely, leaving no trace; to annihilate, to wipe out.
▸ verb: To hide (something) by covering it; to conceal, to obscure.
▸ verb: (also figuratively) To make (a drawing, text which is printed or written, etc.) indecipherable, either by erasing or obscuring it; to blot out, to efface, to delete.
▸ verb: (biology, pathology, surgery, chiefly passive voice) To impair the function and/or structure of (a body cavity, vessel, etc.) by ablating or occluding it (in the latter case, chiefly by filling it with tissue).
▸ verb: (philately) To cancel (a postage stamp) with a postmark so it cannot be reused.
▸ verb: (intransitive)
▸ verb: To be destroyed completely, leaving no trace.
▸ verb: (biology, pathology) Of a body cavity, vessel, etc.: to close up or fill with tissue; of perfusion or a pulse: to cease owing to obstruction.
▸ adjective: (except poetic) Completely destroyed or erased; effaced, obliterated.
▸ adjective: (entomology, rare) Of markings on an insect: difficult to distinguish from the background; faint, indistinct.
▸ Word origin
▸ Words similar to obliterate
▸ Usage examples for obliterate
▸ Idioms related to obliterate
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▸ Rhymes of obliterate
▸ Invented words related to obliterate