Definitions from Wiktionary (mottled owl)
▸ noun: Strix virgata, a medium-sized owl of parts of Central and South America, having the head and back mottled brown and the underparts whitish, with vertical bars on the chest and throat.
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▸ noun: Strix virgata, a medium-sized owl of parts of Central and South America, having the head and back mottled brown and the underparts whitish, with vertical bars on the chest and throat.
tawny owl,
horned owl,
brown owl,
Spotted owl,
eagle owl,
scops owl,
snowy owl,
barred owl,
barn owl,
little owl,
▸ Words similar to mottled owl
▸ Usage examples for mottled owl
▸ Idioms related to mottled owl
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near mottled owl
▸ Rhymes of mottled owl
▸ Invented words related to mottled owl