We found 54 dictionaries that define the word
General (24 matching dictionaries)
- morphology: Merriam-Webster.com
- morphology: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
- morphology: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- morphology: Collins English Dictionary
- morphology: Vocabulary.com
- Morphology, morphology: Wordnik
- morphology: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
- morphology: Wiktionary
- morphology: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
- morphology: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
- morphology: Infoplease Dictionary
- morphology: Dictionary.com
- morphology: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
- Morphology (anatomy), Morphology (archaeology), Morphology (astronomy), Morphology (biology), Morphology (disambiguation), Morphology (folkloristics), Morphology (language), Morphology (linguistics), Morphology: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- Morphology: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
- morphology: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
- morphology: Rhymezone
- Morphology: AllWords.com Multi-Lingual Dictionary
- morphology: Free Dictionary
- morphology: The Phrontistery - A Dictionary of Obscure Words
- morphology: Mnemonic Dictionary
- morphology: Dictionary/thesaurus
Art (2 matching dictionaries)
- Linguistic Glossary (No longer online)
- Literary Criticism (No longer online)
Business (2 matching dictionaries)
- Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
- Glossary of Spa Terms (No longer online)
Computing (2 matching dictionaries)
- Morphology: Cybernetics and Systems
- morphology: Encyclopedia
Medicine (10 matching dictionaries)
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
- Morphology: MedTerms.com Medical Dictionary
- Breast Cancer Talking Dictionary (No longer online)
- online medical dictionary (No longer online)
- Morphology (of a neuron): Visionary
- Neurotrauma Glossary (No longer online)
- morphology: Dictionary of Cancer Terms
- morphology: Medical dictionary
- Morphology: Drug Medical Dictionary
- Hyperdictionary (No longer online)
Science (11 matching dictionaries)
- Visionary, for the Study of Vision (No longer online)
- Bird On! (No longer online)
- Morphology: LITHICS-NET's Glossary of Lithics Terminology
- Botanical Terms (No longer online)
- Tree of Life Glossary (No longer online)
- Biological Control (No longer online)
- Morphology: USGS Paleontology Glossary of Terms
- morphology: Evolution Glossary
- morphology: Anthropological Terms
- Anthropology dictionary (No longer online)
- morphology: Natural History Terms
Tech (3 matching dictionaries)
- Glossary of Meteorology (No longer online)
- Farrier & Hoofcare (No longer online)
- Washington State Definitions and Abbreviations of Vetrinary Terms (No longer online)
(Note: See
morphologic as well.)
▸ noun: (uncountable) A scientific study of form and structure, usually without regard to function. Especially:
▸ noun: (linguistics) The study of the internal structure of morphemes (words and their semantic building blocks).
▸ noun: (biology) The study of the form and structure of animals and plants.
▸ noun: (geology) The study of the structure of rocks and landforms.
▸ noun: (mathematics) Mathematical morphology.
▸ noun: (countable) The form and structure of something.
▸ noun: (countable) A description of the form and structure of something.
sound structure,
syllable structure,
word structure,
▸ Words similar to morphology
▸ Usage examples for morphology
▸ Idioms related to morphology
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing morphology
▸ Words that often appear near morphology
▸ Rhymes of morphology
▸ Invented words related to morphology