In dictionaries:
fresh meat
Newcomers, often inexperienced or vulnerable.
meat products
Edible products derived from animals.
red meat
Meat from mammals, typically reddish.
Raw meat
Uncooked, fresh animal flesh product.
meat loaf
Ground meat shaped, baked loaf.
meat packing
Processing and packaging animal products.
lean meat
Meat with low fat content.
Dried meat
Preserved, dehydrated slices of meat.
meat market
Venue for buying and selling meat.
Meat industry
Production, processing, distribution of meat.
meat inspection
Evaluation of meat for safety.
white meat
Lean poultry and fish protein.
Buffalo meat
the meat of the water buffalo, a large bovid, raised for its milk and meat in many countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal,the Philippines, Bulgaria, Italy, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia and Egypt.
cold meat
Pre-cooked meat served chilled.
frozen meat
Meat preserved by freezing temperatures.
ground meat
Meat finely chopped by grinding.
Crab meat
Flesh from a marine crustacean.